Jay, Trying To Remember...

dumb stuff I should probably forget anyway

New(ish) Year, New Blog

Yep. switching up the blog tech stack one more time. This time using Gatsby which is based on React and getting deployed using AWS…

Jekyll On AWS Amplify

Here I am, changing the hosting / backend / whatever on this blog again. This time, I'm going with AWS Amplify. It will let me do continuous…

Hot Glue Halloween Cobwebs

We're all into Halloween around here... Here's how we made some cobwebs using only a hot glue gun and glue. Step one: Dispense the glue on a…

Ubiquiti AP Setup Debugging

While trying out a Ubiquiti wifi solution, I ran into one AP not getting installed correctly. It was showing as either disconnected or…

PlatformIO Investigation

While looking around for a good library to parse JSON on an Arduino, I bumped into PlatformIO . This seems to address a problem I've been…

Trying out Codeship

Stumbled across Codeship and decided to give it a shot. Works a little similar to deploying to Heroku which I'm already doing, so it…

AVR ATTiny85 Makefile

This is what I'm using as a Makefile - based on what was included in a downloaded XCode template project - Can't remember where I downloaded…

Arduino / AVR ATTiny

Starting to play around with Arduino and straight-up AVR ATTiny microprocessors... Here are some resources I've found helpful so far:

Facebook OAuth with Sinatra

This MOSTLY is working, so, here's what I found when trying to connect to Facebook with OAuth. It needs some serious refactoring because…


Working on making the site more app-like. In doing so, found the Prototype.js-based library, LivePipe . The documentation is poor, but what…

Battling autotest

Looking for a reason that autotest is skipping some of my test files.... I think I'll just comment the exception line out for now as I don't…

AWS S3 using AWS/S3 Ruby gem

working on storing files to Amazon's S3 web service. Here's what I've come up with so far: then a: Will upload the the file to the Amazon…

Broken chain...

Well, I've been working on this thing, but have not making the kind of progress I would like. I blame this on a few things, but mainly we've…

CSS sprites for buttons

Found these login buttons online which have three states - normal, hover and visited. This makes them perfect to use as a CSS sprite, so…

Trying out Pony for email

Email is going to be used to activate an account, and I'm leaning towards using the Pony gem to simplify the creations and sending. Here's…

More on OpenID

I'm now working on user creation process... This was what I was trying to eliminate by using OpenID - but realistically, while OpenID may be…


This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are…

To the extent possible under law, I have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to any content I have created for jaywiggins.com. This work is published from: United States.